App Review: RoboTek

This is Ameer Hamza and this is my review of the App (Game) Robotek.

This app is available across all the platforms. iOS, Android, WindowsPhone. It's even availble on Mac Store.
And best of all it's available for free. So it shouldn't cost you anything to try this out.

So what's the plot, well Robots have taken over the world and
divided into two parties, Red and Blue.
Red is the good one which supports Human beings, Blue are the Nasty ones who want the whole world for themselves. They have taken over different nodes across the world and the red team has to fight them back.

When you first start the Campaign, it runs a tutorial that teaches you all that is to know about the game.
Basically you have to play like a slot machine. you can choose between 3 categories in the slot machines that give you control over 3 kinds of actions.
1. Bot
2. Warfare tactics
3. Attack

choose Bot and roll the 3 slotted slot machine and you get a choice of 3 Bot fighters.

Each bot does it's unique type of attack and each has different weaknesses.

Drone is the little one flying over the Head of your Android Hero. it can shoot little fireballs but it can shoot a lot, BUT each fireball causes very little damage to the Blue enemy. So it's cons and pros are like this, it can shoot for a longer period of time but has little damage with each fireball.

Tankbot is the Big robot in front of the Android Hero, it works has a shield, thus can endure a lot of fire power coming from the blue enemy squad, but it can fire only one big fireball.

Droid is the little one standing on the ground, it can shoot laser which can hurt the most, but that also make him the most fragile one and because he packs the most punch, the enemy will focus it's power to take it down the first.

Now what about Warfare Tactics, you get 3 tactics.
-Power Drain

Shield provides cover against attacks, Power Drain reduces the enemy's ability to inflict damage and increases yours, and hypnosis can hypnotise the enemy bot in to working for you.

And Finally Attack, You get 3 choices of attacks.

Spark shoots little sparks of electricity on each bot or the Android
Laser shoot targets one bot at a time but can inflict the most damage
Microwave can get past the shield and when fired can hurt all the enemy bots and the Android itself but the damage is not that much.

Rules of Slot machines.
If you manage to select more than one same selection, you get extended effect
i.e. bots get stronger, tactics get stronger and attacks get deadlier.
If you manage to hit the jackpot and dial in the same selection, you not only get the most out of that selection, you also get an extra run.

During your fight you can opt for different surprises. these appear after several battles and when you are able to use them, they glow in their respective slot at the bottom of the screen between the 2 power bars.

Win each battle and move one, you earn charges(ticket to the next levels) and XPs(earning enough can get you upgrades)
Earning XPs can get you different upgrades and a COIN, normally the upgrades are provided by the game but you can use the coin to upgrade the ability of your choice among any selection of the slot machine.

Well, the goal of the game is to drain the enemy's power before it drains yours. BUT in this screenshot, I Lost :P

I definitely recommend this game, it's an Awesome time killer, Better check it out :)


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